Essential email series for creating online customers

The heart of your business is your email list.

It doesn't matter if that list came from a newsletter, a free lead magnet, or if all of them are buyers of a lower priced product, your goal is to keep them coming back to make more purchases and keep they loyalty as long as possible.

Doing that with daily emails can be exhausting so you need a set of reliable, automated series that will do a lot of the leg-work for you, especially in the early days of someone joining your list when they're most exited and likely to buy.

I've put the most important series in the order that I think you should be building them:

Welcome Emails

What they do: Say hi to new people and show them what you're all about.

Emails include:

  • Saying hello and thanks
  • Telling your story
  • Giving a free gift (like a mini-lesson)
  • Sharing what other people say about you
  • Asking them to join in (like answering a quick question)

How it helps: People get to know you better and start to trust you.

Teaching Emails

What they do: Tell people about what you offer and why it's good.

Emails include:

  • Talking about a problem they might have
  • Showing how you can help
  • Explaining why your way solves a problem that other solutions miss
  • Answering common questions
  • Sharing stories of people you've helped
  • Giving a special deal that won't last long

How it helps: More people buy because they understand what you're selling.

"Abandoned Cart" Emails

What they do: Remind people about stuff they almost bought but didn't finish buying.

Emails include:

  • Reminding them what's in their cart
  • Saying it might not be there for long
  • Answering questions they might have
  • Showing what other people say about it
  • Giving a special discount

How it helps: Some people come back and buy what they left in their cart.

"Thanks for Buying" Emails

What they do: Make sure people are happy with what they bought and might want to buy more.

Emails include:

  • Saying thanks for their order
  • Showing how to start the course
  • Giving tips to do well
  • Suggesting other things they might like
  • Asking what they think about it

How it helps: People are happier with what they bought and might buy more stuff.

"Come Back" Emails

What they do: Try to get people interested again if they haven't opened your emails in a while.

Emails include:

  • Saying "we miss you"
  • Telling them about new stuff
  • Giving a special "welcome back" deal
  • Asking what they think
  • Saying it's their last chance before you stop emailing

How it helps: Some people who stopped paying attention might come back and buy something.

"Advocte and Affiliate" Emails

What they do: Thank your best customers and ask them to share testimonials and tell their friends.

Emails include:

  • Giving them special stuff or early access
  • Offering special discounts
  • Asking them to tell their friends
  • Promoting an affiliate program (so they get paid when they tell their friends
  • Sharing stories of people who brought their friends into the community

How it helps: Your best customers buy more and help you find new customers.

"New Product Launch" Emails

What they do: Get people excited about new courses you're making.

Emails include:

  • Giving a sneak peek
  • Talking about how it helps solve a problem
  • Showing how you make the course
  • Offering an early bird special
  • Answering questions people might have
  • Reminding them it's their last chance to buy

How it helps: Lots of people buy when you release something new.

Your goal is to create a never-ending cycle of emails that sell products that solve problems, encourage them to act on the information, gets them to share their wins, and expand your list through referrals.